Welcome to the official web site of NHRT G.H.E.T.T.O. Club, or whatever name you prefer. NHRT was spawned out of a need for better flavors of Gatorade during those times of dire need when you need to replenish your fluids fast. In the Spring of 2000, Pat Love and Ben Mercer announced the club's birth while sitting in the dugout during baseball practice. Today, at the Dallas private school of St. Mark's, NHRT has quickly become one of the most popular and respected clubs on campus.
Gatorade is the best-selling sports drink of all time. It's available on the sidelines during every major sporting event in the U.S., including the NFL, MLB, NBA, WNBA, U.S. Soccer and NASCAR. Gatorade gets its name from the aid it once provided (and still does) to University of Florida football players. In the 1960's, Gator football players began using the drink and consistently outplayed their opponents in the second half, showcasing the sheer greatness of Gatorade. Gatorade's popularity has grown ever since. 423 million gallons are sold every year!
Mission Statement: It is NHRT's purpose and/or intention to raise the bar for Gatorade flavors around the universe. NHRT strives to provide the most accurate and up-to-date information on all Gatorade happenings to its loyal audience, but, be aware, often there is too much wheeling and dealing going on in this complex underworld for us to update the page as the news breaks. However, members of NHRTG.H.E.T.T.O. Club will always give 110% in their mixing or else they will be permanently banned from the organization. We will, at all times and in all endeavors, go to the greatest lengths to ensure the highest quality in our hybrids.
Bored? Then go make some hybrids or click on these links.
E-mail of the Week
Weekend Hybrids!
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St. Mark's Varsity Baseball
Gatorade Flavor Database:
- Cascade Crash
- Cherry Rush*
- Citrico (en español)
- Citrus Cooler
- Cool Blue Raspberry
- Fruit Punch
- Lemon-Lime
- ¡Mandarina! (en español)
- Midnight Thunder*
- Orange
- Passion Fruit
- Riptide Rush
- Starfruit
- Strawberry Kiwi
- Tropical (en español)
- Tropical Burst
- Lemon Ice
- Lime Ice
- Orange Ice
- Strawberry Ice
- Alpine Snow
- Glacier Freeze
- High Tide
- Whitewater Splash*
- Berry
- Grape
- Lime
- Melon
*Possibly Discontinued.
Questions? Comments? Want to apply? Contact NHRT at: PLove8305@excite.com.
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Copyright © 2000, 2001 By Pat Love. All rights reserved. Site best viewed at 1024 by 768 pixels. Last updated on April 20th, 2001.